Deep Tube Well

Clean Water For Life


can sponsor a deep tube well

Deep tube wells are a relatively inexpensive water well that helps communities source clean groundwater in areas where the water is close to the surface. These wells typically each serve multiple families and ensure people do not need to take long journeys on a daily basis to collect clean water.

In Bangladesh for example, the primary water source is groundwater, but unfortunately, much of the water available is of poor quality due to high levels of arsenic and iron contamination. This now affects about 25% of the tube wells. The presence of hard rock and soil in the ground also makes it difficult for communities to install water wells on their own as they do not have the proper infrastructure and resources to access the groundwater.

This is where your support can make a difference! Our tube wells provide families with direct access to clean and safe water for their everyday use. Islamic Relief ensures the pumps are disaster resilient, the water is properly tested, and the community is equipped with the tools and knowledge to maintain them for the long term.

Providing water for life

Here at Islamic Relief, we’re working worldwide in over 40 countries across the globe to ensure that not only do communities have a safe and reliable source of water for today, but for life too.

When we build a water system, we ensure communities have a sustainable source of clean water for years to come. We recognize the risk of drought, displacement and disease and with over thirty years of expertise we know that simply drilling wells and installing water pumps cannot solve the water crisis.

We bypass short-term interventions and high running costs to instead provide long-term sustainable solutions; installing irrigation systems, building water tanks, training communities, distributing hygiene kits and rehabilitating viable water systems.

Help us to provide men, women and children clean and safe water, an essential we all take for granted.

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