In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck southern Turkey and northern Syria, there are more than 24 million people impacted, who will need continuous and ongoing recovery support. With families and homes torn apart, children orphaned, and basic services destroyed – will you help us rebuild?
Our immediate emergency response is just the beginning. This level of damage will mean years of recovery and support—not just weeks or months. Beyond urgent food, medical, water and shelter support, there’s still so much to be done.
Join our mission. Be the first to start a monthly donation that will continue to support the long term needs of those affected by the earthquake.
Please help us ensure our sisters and brothers are not forgotten.
“Recovery will take years but once the media moves on, people forget. This is why your continuous support is so critical, so we can sustain our recovery efforts. We cannot leave our people alone.”
– Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud, Islamic Relief’s Head of Mission in Turkey and Syria
Where Will My Recovery Support Donation Go?
Islamic Relief is committed to restoring dignity and rebuilding lives for the people of Turkiye and Syria, long after the news cycle dies down. That is why when the cameras leave, we stay.
Your monthly donation can help us support communities with long term programs that include:
Psychosocial counselling and recreational therapy for children
Repairing damaged shelters, health facilities and schools
Ongoing medical support for clinics and hospitals
Cash grants and vouchers for families to meet their essential needs
*All long term responses are contingent on ongoing assessments, and subject to change based on community needs.