Donate to Lebanon

Hundreds of Israeli airstrikes have killed and displaced thousands in Lebanon. Help provide emergency relief today.

Last Updated: September 25, 2024

Deadly airstrikes kill and displace hundreds in Lebanon

Israel’s bombing of Lebanon has been the deadliest since the crisis began almost a year ago. Over 600 people have been killed, and over 1,835 wounded – many of whom are women and young children. 

Hundreds of Israeli airstrikes have torn through residential areas, with at least 24,000 residential buildings having been badly damaged or completely destroyed. Families are fleeing the south of the country in terror.  

This latest escalation has displaced over 90,000 people in a span of 48 hours and is likely to force even more families from their homes. This is in addition to more than 116,000 people in Lebanon who have already been displaced over the past year, and many are now in desperate need of aid. These deadly airstrikes have only further exacerbated ongoing economic struggles, and there are fears that the situation will only continue to worsen.

“There is mass panic, families here are terrified and they don’t know what to do or where to go. Young children are among those killed by the bombs, and any further escalation will be absolutely disastrous for civilians.” 
– Islamic Relief’s Country Director in Lebanon

​How your donation can help the people of Lebanon​

Islamic Relief is on the ground providing urgent medical supplies to hospitals and primary healthcare clinics, as well as food parcels, hygiene kits, blankets and mattresses to those most affected. We are providing aid to both host communities and internally displaced communities in Nabatieh, Tyre, Bekaa and Baalbek - where thousands are seeking refuge.   

With much of Lebanon’s population already struggling to cope with the fallout from a years-long economic crisis - your support is a lifeline

You can help ease the burdens of the people of Lebanon by donating towards our life-saving work in impacted communities. 

  • $80 can provide hygiene and basic essentials
  • $150 can provide food for a family for a month
  • $250 can help provide health and shelter support
Choose an amount to give
can provide food for a family for a month

What support is Islamic Relief currently providing in Lebanon

Islamic Relief has been working in Lebanon since 2006, supporting communities through war, displacement and the current crises.  

Since tensions escalated in the region in October 2023, Islamic Relief has helped nearly 40,000 people affected by the crisis. 

Since September 23, our team in Lebanon have assisted rights-holders through:

​📦 3,403 food parcels
​🧼 2,273 hygiene kits
​🛏️ 466 blankets and 466 mattresses
​🥩 500 meat packs (3 kg each)
​⛑️ 6,906 medical supplies

However, we need your help to do more

Hospitals in the south are overwhelmed and are currently transferring patients to other hospitals. With Israel threatening to expand the war, we must act swiftly and proactively to reach the most vulnerable.

Choose an amount to give
can provide food for a family for a month

Frequently Asked Questions

Islamic Relief is on the ground in Lebanon, having reached 39,000 individuals across Nabatieh, Tyre, Bekaa, and Baalbek over the past year. Phase 1 of our immediate emergency response is focusing on these regions, as most of the recently displaced individuals are seeking refuge there.

 As of September 25, 2024, Islamic Relief has launched an emergency response in Lebanon and distributed the following life-saving essentials to 39,000 individuals:

ItemsDistribution Figures
Food Parcels3,403 packs
Meat Packs500 packs
Hygiene Kits2,273 kits
Blankets & Mattresses 466 households
Medical Supplies6,906 items 

 These numbers are a reflection of Islamic Relief’s global efforts, including the support of Islamic Relief Canada through allotted funds for Lebanon and your ongoing donations.  

We are scaling up our humanitarian assistance in Lebanon to include food, health, hygiene, and water support. The following activities are underway but are subject to change according to the situation on the ground. 

Basic Assistance

  • Kitchen sets, including pans and cutlery
  • Rechargeable fans, solar lamps & mats
  • Bed sheets, pillows & mattresses

Food Assistance

  • Food packs
  • Food vouchers and cash grants 

Healthcare Capacity & Support

  • Supporting healthcare clinics and mobile units to continue providing emergency services, maternal health and essential newborn care, and immunization
  • Psychological and mental health support
  • Cash grants to facilitate access to healthcare

Hygiene & Water Support

  • Essential hygiene and menstrual hygiene kits
  • Baby kits and adult diapers
  • Clean water via water trucking 
  • Rehabilitating water supply systems

 Islamic Relief has been working in Lebanon since 2006, supporting communities through war, displacement and the current crises. We have a large team, most of whom are Lebanese, who are based all over the country. This allows us to be operational across Al Beqaa, Beirut, Akkar, Tripoli, and Saida.

Yes, Islamic Relief is working closely with government agencies and other humanitarian organizations to ensure we can respond efficiently and appropriately to reach the most vulnerable communities. 

In Lebanon, we already have close relations with the World Food Programme and UNHCR through previous partnerships via working groups. We are also coordinating closely with the Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Risk Management government bodies in the governorates where we work. 

The needs are enormous and are growing every day. Islamic Relief has been providing aid to people in Lebanon who have been displaced throughout the past year. Our aim now is to scale up these projects to reach more people in need. 

We are working with trusted suppliers and banks and are currently able to procure and distribute more aid. However, the longer the crisis goes on and the more it escalates, the harder this will get. We are already starting to see prices of essential items rise in local markets as supplies diminish, but we have contingency plans in place to mitigate these concerns. 

To date, Islamic Relief Canada has reached over 300,000 individuals in Lebanon through emergency and development projects over the years. This includes: 

  • Providing food packs and hygiene kits to displaced families, as well as medical supplies to 2 health centers in response to the 2020 Beirut explosion 
  • Constructing 2 educational centers to facilitate education to Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian refugees in grades 1 through 9
  • Rehabilitating water supply systems in El Bireh village and Azhar Al Beqaa institute
  • Operating the pediatric clinic in the Nahr el Bared Center, delivering primary healthcare services to children
  • Sponsoring over 1,300 orphans, including 807 Syrian refugees

And more!   

Islamic Relief prioritizes both Lebanese host communities, as well as Syrian and Palestinian refugees in our humanitarian and development efforts on the ground. 

However, certain projects have targeted refugees and displaced persons, aiming to provide these vulnerable families with life-saving essentials and income support. Our work in all sectors puts an emphasis on providing quality services and care regardless of an individual’s background.