CST Prayer Times
This timetable for CST prayer times has been sourced using verified calculation methods.
Click here to see prayer times in other Canadian cities.
Prayer (Salah): One of the five pillars of Islam
“And I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed [to you]. Indeed, I am Allah . There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.” - [Qur’an 20:13-14]
Taking time out to pray five times a day is a duty upon all Muslims, and helps us to remember Allah (SWT) and our purpose in life – to worship Him. When we turn towards Makkah, we are united with all the Muslims around the world who face the same direction (Qibla), and when we raise our hands to begin Salah, we put aside the stresses and worries of life to remember our Lord.
When we pray, we communicate directly with Allah (SWT), and we are closest to Him in sujood, or prostration.
This is one of the best times to supplicate, or make du’a – so next time you are in sujood , take a moment to ask Allah to relieve the poverty and suffering of all those we support around the world .
Frequently Asked Questions
The five daily prayers are:
- Fajr (prayed at dawn)
- Dhuhr (prayed at midday)
- Asr (prayed in the afternoon)
- Maghrib (prayed at sunset)
- Isha (prayed at night)
Each daily prayer has a different number of rakats per prayer:
- Fajr: 2 Rakat Sunnah, then 2 Rakat Fardh
- Dhuhr: 4 Rakat Sunnah, then 4 Rakat Fardh, then 2 Rakat Sunnah, then 2 Rakat Nafl
- Asr: 4 Rakat Sunnah, then 4 Rakat Fardh
- Maghrib: 3 Rakat Fardh, then 2 Rakat Sunnah, then 2 Rakat Nafl
- Isha: 4 Rakat Sunnah, then 4 Rakat Fardh, then 2 Rakat Sunnah, then 2 Rakat Nafl, then 3 RakatWitr Wajib, then 2 Rakat Nafl
- Fardh - obligatory
- Wajib - second in importance to Fardh, obligatory
- Sunnah - optional but highly recommended
- Nafl - optional
Qibla (also spelt Qiblah or Kiblah) is the direction towards the Kaaba (located in the centre of Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, Saudi Arabia). It's the direction which Muslims around the world face when performing their prayers, wherever they are in the world.
You can use apps and tools like Qibla Finder to find the Qibla direction when you are travelling.