Statement: ICJ ruling must be a step towards ending Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine

22 juillet, 2024

July 19, 2024- Today’s International Court of Justice ruling that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory is unlawful sends a clear message that the occupation must end. No state must be above international law, and we hope this landmark ruling will be a step towards ending injustice and fulfilling the inalienable rights of Palestinians.   

The Israeli occupation denies Palestinians their fundamental human rights, undermines their dignity and entrenches discrimination and poverty. Israel’s massive expansion of settlements and associated infrastructure in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has confiscated land and restricted access to markets, farms and essential services. The occupation separates families and loved ones, cuts off Gaza from the West Bank, and impedes the hopes and dreams of future generations.  

We call on all international governments, including the Canadian government, to heed the ICJ’s ruling and use their political, diplomatic and financial leverage to pressure Israel to end its occupation. This includes halting arms sales that could be used in violation of international law, legislating to ban trade with illegal Israeli settlements, and suspending partnership agreements.  

Ultimately, Islamic Relief wants to see a lasting peace where all Palestinians and Israelis can live in safety and dignity, and have their same fundamental rights upheld and protected. We believe this will not be possible until there is an end to Israel’s occupation of Palestine. 
