For far too long, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) has been commonly seen by Canadians as a problem that only exists “somewhere else” — in parts of Africa, Asia, or the Middle East. But the reality is that FGM/C is happening right here in Canada.
Groundbreaking new research from Islamic Relief[1] Canada, funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada, has uncovered that FGM/C is being performed in Canada.
Around 200 million women and girls around the world suffer from the dangerous consequences of FGM/C, which is sometimes euphemized as "female circumcision."
FGM/C is a is a non-medical procedure that involves altering or injuring the female genitalia and is recognized internationally as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. The consequences of FGM/C on women are proven to be severe and can result in death, reproductive complications as well as severe psychological trauma.
My work to end FGM/C began in the United Kingdom, where the government made substantial investments in prevention initiatives, legislative reforms, and survivor support services. I later traveled to Indonesia to conduct an in-depth study on the cultural and societal factors that sustain this practice. Over the past decade, I have dedicated significant time to researching the religious and cultural influences that drive FGM/C and exploring how organizations and faith communities can effectively work to eradicate it.
When I arrived in Canada in 2016, I began hearing anecdotal evidence that FGM/C was occurring here. I met with survivors and women’s groups who told me stories of children being taken overseas and over the border to Detroit to have FGM/C done. However, little to no data was available to understand the extent of the practice, its underlying motivations, or the support services available for survivors.
Rather than implementing comprehensive prevention efforts, Canada’s previous approach under the former Conservative government relied on the infamous “barbaric cultural practices” hotline — a policy condemned for its stigmatization of entire communities rather than fostering understanding, prevention, and support. That approach failed because it lacked the essential elements of successful interventions, including research, nuance, and collaboration with affected communities.
This is precisely why we undertook this study — to uncover whether FGM/C is happening in Canada and to chart a path forward for prevention and survivor care. Our research revealed that FGM/C is happening in Canada, both in private homes and through the practice of “vacation cutting,” where girls are taken abroad for the procedure. We discovered cases of FGM/C being carried out in private homes in Ontario, including one case where a grandparent travelled specifically to Canada to perform the procedure.
The motivations driving FGM/C in Canada reflect those seen globally, a complex mix of culture, tradition, and misunderstandings about religion. To fully grasp these drivers, our study included interviews and focus groups with survivors, service providers, and healthcare practitioners, along with a national survey of healthcare professionals.
The findings expose troubling gaps in Canada’s healthcare system. 60% of the healthcare practitioners surveyed lacked basic training on FGM/C, leaving them ill-equipped to offer compassionate, effective care. As a result, some survivors reported feeling alienated or dismissed when they sought medical help. One woman recalled a routine checkup where, after an examination, the doctor bluntly said, “What happened to you?”
This mirrors what I’ve seen in other countries — where frontline healthcare practitioners want to help but struggle to identify FGM/C or lack the necessary tools and training to provide proper care.
In my experience, the most effective campaigns against FGM/C and other forms of gender-based violence (GBV) are those that are community-led, culturally sensitive, and supported by governments through policies, research, and partnerships. This approach focuses on education, open dialogue, and empowering community leaders, particularly women, to lead the fight against harmful practices from within.
In my advocacy with policymakers and governments, I have seen many wrongly reduce FGM/C to an Islamic issue—a misguided and harmful approach. The reality is far more complex, and oversimplifying this embedded practice only drives communities underground, making prevention even more challenging.
With a federal election campaign now underway, now is the time for all political parties to commit to a smarter, evidence-based approach to ending FGM/C in Canada. That means funding prevention through community partnerships, culturally competent education for healthcare practitioners, and robust support services for survivors. It requires moving beyond fear's failed politics and building trust with affected communities.
Canada has the potential to become a global leader in ending FGM/C if we are willing to face the uncomfortable truths about its presence here and take meaningful, compassionate action to eradicate it.