
Where We Work

Donate Sadaqah: Where Most Needed
given where most needed

Decades of political and economic instability have seen Zimbabwe turn from being the ‘breadbasket of Africa’ to a nation suffering from high levels of poverty and food shortages. Our work in Zimbabwe aims to provide essential food aid and tackle the widespread problem of malnutrition amongst local communities.

At just 61 years, life expectancy in Zimbabwe is incredibly low. Food insecurity and malnutrition have become critical issues amongst local communities with detrimental health effects.

With a lack of employment opportunities and poor agricultural productivity, 63% of the population are living below the poverty line. High rates of HIV/AIDS, low rates of schooling, poor agricultural productivity, restricted/limited markets and the risk of climatic natural disasters, families struggle to earn an adequate living. At the peak of the lean season, over 1.1 million peopled face food insecurity.

Many people across the country face a range of daily struggles:

  • Over a quarter of children suffer from stunting (UN World Food Programme, 2018)
  • The average period of schooling is 10 years (UNDP, 2018)
  • 3 million children and adults are living with HIV (UN AIDS, 2017)
  • 7 out of 10 people live below the national poverty line (UN Zimbabwe, 2013)

Islamic Relief in Zimbabwe

We work across Southern Africa, providing seasonal Ramadan and Qurbani support. Food insecure families in Zimbabwe are provided with meat and essential food relief to communities fighting stunting and poor nutrition.

Aiming at preventing the transmission of HIV and offering care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence, Positive Living encouraged orphaned children and their families to go for HIV testing. Weekly support groups offered crucial moral support, education, and encouragement to make a change in their lives and improve locals’ health status over the long-term.

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