people affected
homes destroyed
Devastating monsoon floods have left families in limbo, homes destroyed, countless orphaned, and the most vulnerable at risk.
A year after the worst climate disaster in a decade, the need for humanitarian aid has only increased, with poverty only worsening post-flood. With another season of unforgiving monsoons, the people of Pakistan urgently need food, shelter, and support.
Please donate generously and help save lives.
One year after the floods
In the summer of 2022, unprecedented floods in Pakistan affected 33 million people across Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and South Punjab. Record rainfall submerged one-third of the entire country, displacing 8 million people, destroying vital infrastructure, and amounting to $30 billion USD in damages.
Through the generous support of donors worldwide, Islamic Relief took swift action to provide essential aid to 1.4 million rights-holders!
Together, we are providing food packs, robust family tents and other temporary shelters, hygiene kits, water via water trucks, water tanks, cash grants, pit latrines, hand washing stations, health and hygiene education sessions, and temporary learning centres for children.

Our projects continue to reach the most vulnerable, including over 680,000 + women and girls and 5,500 + persons with disabilities. To read more about our work in this past year and how we’re building a climate-resilient Pakistan, CLICK HERE!
The worst climate disaster in a decade
Over 33 million people have been affected by the deadly floods in Pakistan in the worst climate disaster in a decade. The floods exacerbated the country’s economic crisis after millions lost their businesses and livelihoods. Twelve million acres of crops were submerged underwater, ruining the harvest season and causing a massive shortage of staples such as rice and flour, vegetables, and fruits in the markets.
Poverty worsened post-flood, affecting 6 million people due to income loss, crop damage, asset loss, and soaring food prices. Food prices have soared, adding a significant burden on families who are already struggling to survive this disaster. Temporary shelters, contaminated water, and limited sanitation have continued to exacerbate poor nutrition and lead to diseases like diarrhea, malaria, and dengue. Many of the country’s health facilities have suffered, impeding treatment and vaccination schedules, elevating the risks of diseases like measles and diphtheria.
In the aftermath of this great disaster, people are still in urgent need of food, shelter, and support.
Please donate generously and help save lives.

Did you know your donations were matched?
As part of the Humanitarian Coalition, donations made to Islamic Relief Canada between August 1 - September 28 2022, were matched by the Government of Canada. Although the matching period is now complete, the need is still great, and your support will make a difference.

Islamic Relief is on the ground providing life-saving aid

Islamic Relief was already raising the alarm and raising funds a month before the government declared a state of emergency on August 26, 2022.
Over the past year, our emergency response teams provided a lifeline through flood recovery items to more than 1.4 million people across Balochistan, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and South Punjab. At the end of June 2023, Islamic Relief was listed as the seventh-largest contributor to the UN’s appeal for this year so far, committing $8.3 million USD.
Our emergency teams are continuing their life-saving work on the ground right now. We are working in local communities to establish how best to support affected families who need food, shelter, bedding, and hygiene items.
Support our ongoing recovery and relief efforts to bring life-saving aid to the people of Pakistan!